Text Box: 1.	NAME
	The name of the organization shall be: GULFOIL HISTORICAL SOCIETY.  The reasons for this name are as follows: The focus of the organizations activities center around the Gulf Oil Company, its predecessors, and subsidiaries.  Our intent is to show the focus of the organization in its name, while being careful not to infringe on any trademark or copyright.  The name GULFOIL has only one connection to the Gulf Companies, and that is a line of lubricant marketed through the 1950s.  The actual name GULFOIL is not currently registered with the U.S. Patent Office.  Hereafter, in this publication, and where it is a benefit for brevity, the GULFOIL HISTORICAL SOCIETY shall also be known as the GOHS.

	The GOHS is a non-profit organization.  We do not generate revenue for any purpose other than that required to meet the basic logistical needs of the organization.  

	The GOHS is a group of people, brought together by a single purpose, that being the history and the preservation of the Gulf Oil Companies.  By collecting, trading, documenting, and preserving, the products, publications, lore, and spirit of the Gulf Companies, we hope to keep the memory of one of the worlds most important companies alive for future generations to appreciate.

	The GOHS membership is open to any person or persons, without discrimination, having a desire to participate with a purpose consistent with that of the GOHS.  Prior employment with or for the Gulf Companies is not required.  The field of membership is composed of Regular Members, Charter Members, Associate Members, family members, and Honorary Members.  From those ranks, Officers, and a Board of Directors shall be elected.

	Regular Member, is an active, dues paying member, with voting privileges.
	Charter Member, is an active, dues paying member, with voting privileges, who has made a financial donation to the GOHS at the time of application, and has assisted in the development of the organization.
	Associate Member, is a non-active member, with no voting privileges, who is showing their support by contributing to the GOHS, either a monitory sum, or product / service used by the GOHS.  Businesss advertising in GOHS publications may apply for Associate Membership.
	Honorary Membership, is a non-active member, with no voting privileges, who, upon nomination to the Officers and or Board of Directors, has been appointed and unanimously ratified by same, for a period as specified in the ratification.  If for any reason deemed appropriate by the current Officers or Board of Directors, the Honorary Membership may be withdrawn by a unanimous vote of same.
	Family Membership, added to the by-laws in 2003.  Allows for a spouse to join as a regular member for half the regular dues price, with only one newsletter and or other mailing going to the same residence.  The spouse member will have full voting rights.

	There is a special circumstance, which deviates the GOHS from standard organization guidelines, and that is:  that Kermit A. Doucet, deceased, shall be, now and through dissolvement, designated the President, and Chairman of the Board of the GOHS.  Any attempt by a member to dislodge this provision, shall constitute a violation of the BY-LAWS, and will result in an immediate discharge from the GOHS.
	VICE PRESIDENT, shall be nominated by, and elected by, the regular and charter members, and shall carry out the normal duties associated with the office of President.  He or she, shall preside over all meetings, shall be responsible for committee oversight, and for the general direction of the GOHS.
	SECRETARY, shall be nominated by, and elected by, the regular and charter members, and shall assume the duties of the President should he or she depart from the GOHS for what ever reason.  Duties shall also include the record keeping of all correspondence by the GOHS, prepare documents as required, file all necessary documents as required, keep and publish minutes for every meeting of the GOHS, and perform other duties as assigned by the President.
	TREASURER, shall be nominated by, and elected by, the regular and charter members, and shall be the custodian of all the monitory assets of the GOHS.  Monies should be accounted for, using traditional accounting procedures, be deposited in an approved financial institution,  and shall be fully
insured by a Federal agency.  Reports shall be published for approval of the Officers, Board of Directors, and membership, at every meeting of such, and as directed by same.  The records shall be available for audit by an outside organization as required, and no less than once every two (2) calendar years.  
The organization doing such audits must be approved by a majority of the officers
and Board of Directors.  Results of said audit shall be published for the membership to review.
	Added in 2005. The financial records of the GOHS shall be available for a compilation by a Certified Public Accountant as needed or required. Said Certified Public Accountant must be approved by a majority of the Officers and Board of Directors. Cost of the compilation may be paid for from funds in the General Account of the GOHS..

	BOARD OF DIRECTORS, shall be no more than seven (7) in number, and shall consist of retired Officers, and or other members as nominated and elected by the regular and charter members.  The Board of Directors shall oversee the GOHS, provide guidance and opinion as appropriate, and shall be available to replace the Officers should positions be vacated prematurely.

	Added in 2005. Secretary / Treasurer / Board of Directors amendment allows the office of Secretary and the office of Treasurer to be combined.  If, during any year that the same person holds both offices, the number of people serving on the Board of Directors shall be increased from seven (7) to eight (8) for that year.  Although holding two offices, the member doing so will only have one (1) vote.

	for all Officers and Board of Director positions, shall be ONE (1) calendar year from election.  The maximum consecutive term, shall be four (4) years in office.  After a period of one (1) year out of said office, the member could be nominated, and elected to that prior position.

	Added in 2005. The term of service for all Officers including the Board of Directors shall be for One (1) year, running from January 1st through December 31st, regardless of the date of the election.

	will be as follows.  The election must be held at a publicized and scheduled meeting.  Winning vote total must be 3/4ths of the voting members and there must be 25% of the current membership present, or represented, for the election to be valid.  Representation may be made by absentee ballot, which must be present, in a sealed, and postmarked vehicle, at the start of the meeting.  Said ballot shall be opened during the meeting, in full view of the membership, and tabulated immediately.  Only the identity of the voter shall be kept confidential.  All absentee ballots, after tabulation, must be sealed in a single vehicle, and retained by the Secretary as part of the election material.  All election material shall be kept secure by the Secretary until the following election.  The general election shall be done by secret ballot.  Ballot tabulation must be done by the Election Committee, which shall be comprised of no members nominated for office during the current election.

	Added in 2005. The annual election of officers may be conducted at the Annual Meeting, or may be conducted entirely by U.S. Postal Mail, anytime between the Annual Meeting and the year end.

	shall be established as needed by the Vice-President, and shall report to same.  The findings and activities of the committees shall be made public by the committee chairman through the Secretary.  Committees shall include, but are not limited to: History Committee, Fund Raising Committee, Membership Committee, Election Committee, Nominating Committee.  

	of any member, shall be restricted as follows:  No member, for whatever reason, shall portray him or herself as a representative of the GOHS for the purpose of obtaining any type of product, publication, or other item.  If anyone offers to donate an item to the GOHS, the custodial care of that item shall be decided by the Officers and the Board of Directors, and may or may not reside with the securing member.  No member, for whatever reason, shall portray themselves as a representative of the Gulf Oil Company, or of any of the Gulf Companies.  No member shall, for whatever reason, use the Orange Disc likeness, as trademarked by Gulf Oil Company, and Chevron, USA, for any reason other than a symbolic, historical reference to said trademark owners.  Any other usage of this likeness is both prohibited by law, and prohibited by these By-laws.

11.	DUES
	shall be paid, as prescribed by the Officers and Board of Directors, in advance of the period as prescribed, by all regular, charter, and associate members.  The Secretary shall provide a written receipt of said payment.  All dues monies are considered fully earned at time of surrender, and therefore no refunds shall be made for any member who withdrawals from membership.  Members paying dues must also comply with all By-laws for their membership to be valid.  While the Secretary should attempt to maintain data on membership expiration, it is the responsibility of the individual member to make on-time dues payments.  Dues is due on the anniversary of the members initial dues payment.

	Added 2003.  Dues shall be due Jan.1st of each year.  Members who join during the year, will have their dues prorated to year end.

	of the GOHS shall be at least once per calendar year, and shall be publicized to all members at least 3 months prior to said meeting.  Other meetings of the Officers and or Board of Directors shall be conducted as necessary, with all proceedings being documented by the Secretary.  Due to the vast geographical differences possible in the members location, meetings conducted using electronic media are acceptable, provided an accurate record of all verbiage can be maintained by the Secretary.  The minutes from each and every meeting conducted by the GOHS shall be available for inspection by any member of the GOHS.

	to the By-laws of the GOHS, may be requested or suggested to the Officers and or Board of Directors, by any active member.  The Officers and the Board of Directors will then decide if the amendment has merit, and prepare said amendment for publication to the membership.  At the next regular meeting, the amendments presented shall be included on the ballot, and a yes / no vote shall be tabulated for each.

BY-LAW Ratification

All Officers, and members of the Board of Directors have reviewed, and ratified these By-laws, and hereby make and affirm them as the Official By-laws of the GULFOIL HISTORICAL SOCIETY, June 1999, July 2003, Jan. 2005

The GOHS By-Laws were adopted in 1999, as the foundation for basic operation of the group. Since then, there have been several amendments. Titles for those subjects which have been amended are shown in BLUE, and the amendment wording is shown following the original wording. The amended wording is the governing ideal, and the original is left for your review, only to show the effort at making the GOHS a better and more enjoyable experience. As members, you are welcome to submit suggestions for by-law amendments at the yearly meeting.